Freedom Outpost Apostolic Network offers two different aspects of covenant relationship. The first is Apostolic Oversight, which provides a deeper level of relationship, offering, blessings and protection. The second is an Affiliate, which in short, means to intentionally connect with FOAN and come into alignment with the work God is doing through our ministry.
Apostolic Oversight
Apostolic Oversight is foundational. Paul said; I have laid a foundation and another builds on it (1 Cor 3:10). The foundation of a building is not seen, but it is vital to the stability and growth of the structure built upon it. The New Testament church is to be built up, equipped and matured through ongoing relationship with the five-fold ministry. It is highly significant that of the five-fold, God gave us first apostles (1 Cor 12:27-29). Apostles carry genuine authority and have been given the right and responsibility to put things in order. This is not accomplished by merely having fellowship, but an intentional investment in relationship.
In order to have the full measure of the blessings of God, we must have the relationships appointed by God in place. This then also renders a spiritual protection over us. When we are in proper relationship with apostolic leadership we not only receive blessing and protection, but also a spiritual dynamic of favor that we may not even fully comprehend.
In order to have the full measure of the blessings of God, we must have the relationships appointed by God in place. This then also renders a spiritual protection over us. When we are in proper relationship with apostolic leadership we not only receive blessing and protection, but also a spiritual dynamic of favor that we may not even fully comprehend.
Ministry Affiliate
To be a Ministry Affiliate is to officially attach or connect, as an individual or a subsidiary group, to Freedom Outpost Apostolic Network. This form of relationship is not a covering, but is solely for connection, relationship and resources. It is God’s desire that His people partner with the grace that He has released to His Apostles. Ministry affiliation is designed for individuals or organizations already walking under an established spiritual covering who desire to align with Freedom Outpost Apostolic Network in prayer and support.
Paul said in Philippians 1:3-5, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now”. Being a Ministry Affiliate is a partnership with the grace God has bestowed upon Apostle Jeannette’s life to advance the Kingdom of God throughout the nations.
Paul said in Philippians 1:3-5, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now”. Being a Ministry Affiliate is a partnership with the grace God has bestowed upon Apostle Jeannette’s life to advance the Kingdom of God throughout the nations.